How to Advertise on Facebook Without Turning Off Your Target Audience

Advertising on Facebook can go far beyond setting up a fan page for your business. Utilizing Facebook Ads (previously Facebook Marketplace) allows you, the advertiser, to target your market.

Running an ad on Facebook isn’t free, but according to some in the advertising industry like Ian Fernando, this method of marketing will net you results.

Why? There are millions of people on this social network whose very purpose of joining the site is to interact and connect with others.

Targeting the Right People

On Facebook, you target any type of demographic you wish. Just like a search for fellow classmates or colleagues, you can narrow your demographic by age, sex, education, interests, favorites, etc. Keywords do not come into play with Facebook advertising.

You know exactly what type of demographic will be clicking your ad. Let’s say you have targeted a male audience between the ages of 18-25. Since you know who will be clicking your ad, you can gear your ad directly to them.

Tips for Running an Ad Campaign

To really get everything you can out of Facebook Ads, you must be willing to commit to working on your ad campaign on a daily basis. This includes making adjustments and tracking your success.

You may find you need to expand your demographic by targeting people with more interests to truly get the exposure you are looking for.

Don’t just scan your data, analyze it. Know who exactly is clicking your ad and viewing it. If something isn’t working, approach the ad as if you were the target audience, not the one running the ad.

Fine tune your ad on a daily basis until it is working at its fullest potential.

Other duties include changing the image (maybe it’s not appealing), editing the headline copy and working on your bidding strategies.

After you have made your adjustments, you’ll find what works for you and what doesn’t. Advertising on Facebook will be smooth sailing from there.

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