How to Build Your Own Opt-In Email List


When building your own opt-in e-mail list, it is very important to only include those who have given you permission to send them e-mails. These lists are referred to as “opt-in” simply because consumers have opted to receive your emails.

Building your own opt-in email list will take some time and resources.

Fortunately, there are many internet marketers out there that have tried a variety of opt-in techniques and have shared their results. Below is a list of techniques that have proven to be successful.

Article Directories

When publishing an article and submitting it to an article directory, it is critical that the article be well researched, contain up to date and beneficial content and be free of all grammatical errors. Each article should also contain a resource box with a link to your website.
Included on your website should be a visible way for readers to opt-in to your list.

Free Reports

If you want readers to opt into your lists, then you must be willing to provide them with something in return.

Free reports posted directly on your website or available for download should contain beneficial information for the audience you are trying to target.

E-zine Advertising/Cross Promotion

This method will only be successful if you work with an affiliate in the same demographic as you.

Advertise in an affiliate’s online newsletter or cross promote your opt-in lists.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Create web pages that appeal to your target audience. Use keywords to get consumers to your page and provide an easy way for them to opt into your lists.


This method is run on the relationships you have created with other developers of opt-in email lists.

Before undergoing this method, make sure you and the other developer have the same general target audience and make sure you are working with a legitimate and ethical developer.

These methods are great as stand-alone marketing techniques.

However, if you choose to use these methods as a way to build your own opt-in e-mail lists then make sure you provide consumers with an easily accessible and convenient way to opt-in.

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