Refine Your Business Tweets and Gain a Following

Now that your business is on Twitter, it’s time to gain a following.

Having an ample following has many advantages including gaining new customers and creating lifelong business contacts and leads.

Here are some tips on building your Twitter followers.

Leave the Sales Pitch for Your Website

No one likes receiving Spam in their… Continue Reading…

Now that your business is on Twitter, it’s time to gain a following.

Having an ample following has many advantages including gaining new customers and creating lifelong business contacts and leads.

Here are some tips on building your Twitter followers.

Leave the Sales Pitch for Your Website

No one likes receiving Spam in their email or via Twitter, so don’t do it. Twitter isn’t the appropriate venue to try and push a sale. Instead of trying to sell, which could potentially push followers away, inform.

What’s your business all about? How have you helped the community? Do you have any upcoming events planned or deals in the works?

These are the things your business should be Tweeting about.

Become a Follower

Find out who else is on Twitter and what people are saying. Follow people that intrigue you and other businesses that may be of interest. Do you sell a certain line of brand name products?

Follow the makers of that brand on Twitter to help you stay ahead of the game. It may surprise you how much you can benefit from others on Twitter.

Don’t Forget to Tweet

Offer information, advice and tips to your followers. What are your followers asking? What are the people who aren’t following you asking?

Find out and give them reliable answers and advice. A helpful hint for you is to stick to what you know. Be helpful and people will listen.

If your business is going to be using Twitter as a marketing tool, remember to be respectful and follow these tips. Listen and give sound, helpful answers.

Your goal on Twitter is to gain a following that will lead to better opportunities and increased profits for your business.

When using Twitter keep this old saying in mind, “You get what you give.” Don’t expect to get more out of Twitter then your business is putting in.

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