Let Copywriting Generate Leads for You

Many agents rely on lead generation to be successful.

In fact, so many agents rely on lead generation that consumers are bombarded with pop-up ads, flyers and direct mailings, many of which get ignored or tossed in the recycling bin.

As a real estate agent there is one thing that can set… Continue Reading…

Many agents rely on lead generation to be successful.

In fact, so many agents rely on lead generation that consumers are bombarded with pop-up ads, flyers and direct mailings, many of which get ignored or tossed in the recycling bin.

As a real estate agent there is one thing that can set you apart when it comes to lead generation; great copywriting.

To stand out from the many other agents, you need to go above and beyond and offer an outstanding incentive. Something that will make prospective clients jump to pick up the phone and call you or send you an e-mail.

Make your incentive stand out by using effective copywriting.

Headline: You know your target audience better than anyone, so how are you going to grab their attention? Clearly state your incentive in your headline. Use lettering that stands out but is easy to read.

Body: Your body needs to fulfill the expectation that your headline created.

The top priority of your copywriting is to generate leads.

Establish yourself as the expert in your area of expertise and convey to your audience exactly what you will do for them.

Offer an explanation for your incentive, but leave your audience wanting a little more. When they want a little more they’re more apt to reach out and contact you.

With that being said, you must make yourself available and make it as easy as possible for a prospective client to contact you.

Provide your contact numbers, website URL, and e-mail address. Different people have preferred methods of contact.

Scour the internet, newspapers and ask your friends to save their flyers and direct mailings for you.

Use these as a comparison and do something different whether its changing the color scheme or offering a different incentive.

Using outstanding copy is the first step you can take to make your online ads, flyers and direct mailings stand out from the rest.

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