Connecting Offline Customers to Social Media

Social media covers a breadth of platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and You Tube as well as blog sites developed by the user. Traditionally, social media was only used for personal purposes such as connecting with friends, playing online games and more. Recently, social media has started to entice companies,… Continue Reading…

Social media covers a breadth of platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and You Tube as well as blog sites developed by the user. Traditionally, social media was only used for personal purposes such as connecting with friends, playing online games and more. Recently, social media has started to entice companies, brands, and organizations all over the world.

Considering the fact that billions of people have at least one account in these applications, companies are now developing a social media strategy to target larger audiences with minimal operational costs.

These platforms provide an unique means of connecting with loyal clientele as well as cultivating new business prospects.

Most Major Companies Are Using Social Media

According to recent surveys conducted in 2010, the result shows that greater than 60% of major companies listed on the Fortune 500, in addition to local businesses, are involved in some form of marketing using social media. It is surprising that almost 91% use have a presence on at least one social media platform, 80% list their company with a dedicate page on a social networking site and 52% use Twitter to post updates about their business.

With the use of social media tools as communication strategies for customer expansion, managers seek to learn how a company can take maximum advantage of effectively using these tools to reach their target audience and how these tools can be used to connect offline customers to social media.

Planning Your Social Media Strategy

A company should consider understanding the parameters of the conversation before diving into social media waters. Customers are getting smarter and more skeptical on what companies advertise on the televisions.

They found a way through social site conversations where they can exchange information and get to know a product from a third party user that they can trust. Developing a cadre of online advocates is essential for the success of a social media campaign.

They say the journey to a thousand miles begins with the first step. Therefore, the first step is to plan what kind of people you wish to talk with and where to find them. It would be helpful to perform preliminary surveys and observations on what social networks they use, and how well they know your company’s products and services.

After which, you should develop a strategy on how to earn their trust and how you can add value to their knowledge and opinion without being overly promotional.

How to Connect With Customers Via Social Media

To start with, after creating a page or an account for your company, you may offer prizes and freebies to 100 people if your page hits at least 100,000 followers in a short span of time. After hitting the target number of followers, allot a specific area where users can interact with one another about your product.

It can be a feedback corner or a suggestion box so that people can give their comments to your brand. Be sure to gather positive product testimonials and give attention to negative ones. If consumers can see your company’s effort in addressing such issues, you will gain more of their trust.

Understanding this point of view of customers can work to your benefit if handled properly. This way you are also able to connect offline customers to social media.

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