Bring Blogging to Another Level with a Treasure Hunt

Are you a blogger looking to bring a little fun and creativity to your everyday posts?

The purpose of your blog is to provide useful information to your followers whether it’s through tips and advice or entertainment and to give them a platform to interact.

With that being said, why not set… Continue Reading…

Are you a blogger looking to bring a little fun and creativity to your everyday posts?

The purpose of your blog is to provide useful information to your followers whether it’s through tips and advice or entertainment and to give them a platform to interact.

With that being said, why not set up a treasure hunt?

Here are some benefits:

* Provide a fun way for readers to discover your blog in-depth
* Create a network of blogs and followers
* Gain a larger following
* Broaden your web presence

Creating a Blog Treasure Hunt

First, gather a group of your fellow blogging friends together. Come up with a theme to make things easier for you and your followers. Let’s say you and your fellow blogging friend’s blog about small business, from tips to statistics and the latest news, etc.

Your clues and prize then should correlate to small business.

Come up with a plan and a list of clues. Clues should be easy to discern as clues but should require a little thinking to move on from one clue to the next. Make sure all clues flow succinctly from one to the other and decide which blog will hide which clue.

The clue given should be similar in nature to the content of the blog it’s being hidden in.

The purpose of the treasure hunt is to have fun creating or participating in it. The prize should be something of value related to small business, (referring to the example above).

Think in terms of downloadable books or a subscription, something the winner would want and normally have to pay for.

Announce the treasure hunt on all participating blogs and social media platforms. Include start and end dates, participating blogs, rules for playing and the prize.

Include where and when the first clue will be given and the premise of the game. Most importantly, get creative and make sure your followers are having fun.

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