Contributing to Forums Goes Beyond Answering Questions

Forums are a form of social media devised to spur interaction between individuals and groups of people. They are places to discuss certain topics, ask questions, offer advice and solicit feedback.

As the owner of a small business, the way you respond to forum questions is critical.

Remember, forums are open to… Continue Reading…

Forums are a form of social media devised to spur interaction between individuals and groups of people. They are places to discuss certain topics, ask questions, offer advice and solicit feedback.

As the owner of a small business, the way you respond to forum questions is critical.

Remember, forums are open to the public and can be read by anyone on the internet and once the information is out there, it is there forever.

Your answers represent your business and your brand and should always reflect them in a positive light. Before leaving a response it’s important to answer this question for yourself: What is your objective?

How to Respond Effectively

First, timing is everything. Respond to questions as quickly as possible.

When you respond to a question, whether it is insightful or not, you are telling the person doing the asking that they are valuable and letting them know that you are listening.

Secondly, your response should support your objective. Are you trying to establish yourself as an expert in your field?

A great way to do this is to offer sound and relevant advice. Offer solutions, alternatives and tips when applicable.

Thirdly, choose an appropriate tone to write in. Your writing should make you sound approachable and appealing. It’s okay to get creative and show some personality in order to do this. Remember, you are the authority in this area so your writing should reflect that as well.

Fourthly, your answers must contain substance. Never answer a question with a question or write “that’s a great question” and leave it at that.

Be honest when you need to do additional research to provide a beneficial answer by saying so and then answer the question in a timely manner.

Going Beyond the Forum

Use the information in your forum to create blog posts, content and topics of discussion on your other social media pages.

If the same questions keep popping up, write a more in-depth answer and turn it into a post for your blog. Insert links and share buttons on all posts.

This is an effective way to keep everyone and everything connected.

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