Increase the Presence of Your Non-Profit on Twitter

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms.

It’s a micro-blog where organizations, businesses and individuals can post comments, questions, links and have conversations with one another.

For non-profits, Twitter is a great place to spread the word about your cause and to inspire others to jump on board.

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Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms.

It’s a micro-blog where organizations, businesses and individuals can post comments, questions, links and have conversations with one another.

For non-profits, Twitter is a great place to spread the word about your cause and to inspire others to jump on board.

There are several ways for your non-profit to increase its presence on Twitter by following these steps.

Do you have a blog, make guest posts on other blogs, and use other social media platforms such as Facebook, etc.?

Maybe you contribute articles to an online magazine or are an active member in a forum.

Whether you answered yes to one or more of these questions, include a link to your Twitter page every time you make a post or leave a comment. People won’t know you’re on Twitter unless you tell them.

Increase your presence among those who actively use Twitter by tweeting often. Your tweets should contain valuable information, links and questions to spark conversations.

The more you tweet the more your presence will show up on Twitter’s Public Timeline. Tweeting often is good as long as you give people enough time to respond in between tweets.

Seek out others and follow them. Many people will follow you in return. If you’re not following anyone, why should they follow you?

Spark a conversation with other tweeters, ask a question and show them that you’re interested in what they have to say.

When you send out tweets, make sure you’re providing your followers and anyone else who’s reading something of value.

Sending out meaningless tweets for the sake of tweeting can cost you followers, which is the exact opposite of what you want.

Lastly, tweet during peak times when Twitter is saturated with users. This will get you noticed.

Gaining a presence on Twitter takes time, effort and dedication. There are millions of people using Twitter every day.

Create your own presence by letting people know you are there, being vocal and adding something of value.

What advice can you give to help your favorite non-profit establish their presence on Twitter?

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Comment ( 1 )

  1. dharait

    I totally agree with you that developing a presence on Twitter takes a lot of time. However below are some ideas that can be helpful:

    Twitter lists: You can create a list that says for e.g. ‘Cause Superstars’ and add all the interested supporters to the list and ask them to follow you. In that way you can even build a community of supporters on your Twitter.

    Use the relevant hashtags to gain followers. This always works!