Successful Social Media for Non-Profits Requires Working Together

Social media is an effective marketing tool that relies on several strategies in order to be successful.

One strategy that many non-profits, even those that are leaders in their field overlook is the strategy of teamwork.

Your non-profit should work to encourage interdepartmental teamwork as part of its social media strategy. 

Teamwork… Continue Reading…

Social media is an effective marketing tool that relies on several strategies in order to be successful.

One strategy that many non-profits, even those that are leaders in their field overlook is the strategy of teamwork.

Your non-profit should work to encourage interdepartmental teamwork as part of its social media strategy.

Teamwork increases donations in the form of money, services, expertise, knowledge and volunteering. Everyone must work together.

Effective social media marketing involves collaboration from within the organization beginning at the top. All departments must be willing to work together and furthermore be willing to succeed as a team.

Effective Teamwork

* Choose a member from each department: Members from individual departments know how their departments function and know how their department can be of benefit.

* Devise a Plan: The plan should include which avenues of social media are to be taken. Decide on a budget, effective marketing methods, and which information needs to be compiled from each department.

* Member Meetings: Members should meet as often as necessary whether on a weekly or monthly basis

* Discussions: What strategies are and are not working? Which platforms are effective and which ones need to be eliminated? Discussions should also include what needs revising and updating.

In order for social media marketing to be successful, a certain amount of trust must be handed down from the organization’s leaders to departments and individual employees.

Is your business is going to handle social media marketing from within, hire a content writer to create content, or out source the entire operation to an agency or consulting firm?

No matter which route your business takes, teamwork must be integrated into your plan. Remember, an organization that works together in social media marketing is one that is successful together.

What are some other strategies that non-profits can use to make their social media ventures successful?

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