Turn Website Visitors into Clients to Increase Real Estate Sales

The number of website conversions you make is an efficient way to tell whether or not your online advertising efforts are paying off.

Website conversions are when visitors to your site become more than just visitors. Conversions include newsletters, email lists, membership, weekly/monthly updates via e-mail, free reports, e-mails/calls, chat buttons… Continue Reading…

The number of website conversions you make is an efficient way to tell whether or not your online advertising efforts are paying off.

Website conversions are when visitors to your site become more than just visitors. Conversions include newsletters, email lists, membership, weekly/monthly updates via e-mail, free reports, e-mails/calls, chat buttons or blogs.

Below are some key tips to help increase the number of your website conversions and ultimately your real estate sales.

Define Conversion Goals

Establish a clear plan of what your conversion goals are. Choose your top three conversion goals from the list provided above and provide easy ways for visitors to convert. Consult current real estate trends when defining your goals.

Increase Website Usability

Make site navigation as simple as possible. Using the site map and finding and accessing listings should be easy as well.

Minimize the number of distractions on your site to lead your clients where you want them to go. Keep all information and ads relevant to the housing market.

Inform Visitors of the Conversion Value

Tell visitors how your newsletter or free report will benefit them. Why should they e-mail or call you?

This is information you need to provide on your website. Again, turn to real estate trends to find out what your visitors are looking for then give it to them.

Increase Website/Page Traffic

Getting the right people to visit your website will increase conversions, generate leads and sales. Direct your target audience to specific web pages to increase your conversion rate.

For example, send first time home buyers to a free guide to owning your first home. Include multiple aspects related to the housing market.

Increase Visibility to Web Conversion Pages

Make access to your web conversion page easy and visible. Use graphics and menus to link to conversion pages.

Positioning is everything. Place graphics and menus at the top of each page where they are more likely to be seen and utilized.

Make Your Website Interactive

This is a surefire way to make conversion rates rise. Begin a blog where visitors can leave comments, create a housing market forum and/or a Q & A section and install a chat button where visitors have direct access to customer service.

Implement all of these techniques to turn visitors into clients and increase real estate sales. Keep tabs on current real estate trends and use that information to increase conversion rates.

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